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1. Why Gettysburg?*
10. World view
10a. Meade/Lee in Command
10b. Slavery
10c. Taxes
10d. Lincoln’s world
10e. The Constitution
11. Historiography
12. test
1a. In context
1b. Lee moves north
1c. Hooker Responds
1d. The Rehearsals
1e. Plan B at Pipe Creek
2. The Four Ts
20. Intro ALT Hx*
21. Lee’s approach*
22. Farther North
22a. Lee’s Objectives
22b. Ewell at Harrisburg
22c. Early at York
22d. Ewell to GTY
22e. Overly Ambitious
23. The Confederate Cavalry*
23a. Stuart obeys
23b. Stuart better utilized
23c. Stuart attacks
23d. Cav vs Cav
23e. Stuart South
24. On to Westminster*
25. ALT Hx of 3 Days*
25a. Day 1 w/o Buford
25b. Day 2 w/o salient
25c. a Stronger Salient
25d. Day 2 at Devil’s Den
25e. Arty works
25f. Day 3 the Lazy Z
25g. Pickett
25h. Sixth Corps attacks
25i. The Squeeze
25j. Trimble takes Culp’s Hill
25k. Anderson vs Longstreet
25l. Early at Gettysburg
25M Slocum and Early
26. Doomed to Defeat?*
27. Pipe Creek consolidation*
28. A CSA Victory*
28. The Gingrich novels
28a. Lee Decides
28b. 2PM Day 1
28c. Anderson attacks
28d. The Surrender
28e. Meade’s Anguish
28f. Lee arrives
28g. Lincoln’s Dilemma
28h. Lee prepares
28i. Lee Consolidates
28j. Destruction and Independence
28k. War’s End?
28l. Counter-Attack
28m. Surrounded
29. A Strategic Victory ?*
3. In Command
3d Meade in Command
30a. Unique
30b. When Lee lost
30c. Blunders
30d. Weapons
30e. Uniforms & Standards
30f. Heroes and Goats
30g. Prelude to defeat
30h. The Saddle
30i. A Pickett Relook
30j. Ziegler’s Grove
30k. A Bird’s Eye View
30l. Vicksburg vs PHILA
30m. Medical issues
30n. 2 Confederacies
30o. 3 Americas
30p. Summation
31. Gallery*
32. Books and movies
33. other on-line sites
34 Fictionalized accounts
35. even a Thai
3a. Organization
3b. Command Philosophy
3c. Napoleonic Formations
3d. Meade in Command
3e. Lee’s Vision
4. Day 0 30-JUN-1863
41. Failures
4a. Lee’s Plan
4b. Buford intervenes
4c. Before Buford
5. Day 1 Tactics and Technology*
5a. Buford attacks
5b. Lee visits
5c. Reynolds arrives
5d. Nearly lost
5e. Rodes & Early
5f. Lee Returns
5g. Culp’s Hill
5h. The Union line
5i. Regimental Tactics
5j. Iron Brigade
5k. Willoughby Run
5L Battle in Gettysburg
6. Day 2 Classics and Confusion*
6a. Finding the Union Left Flank
6b.1 Lee’s orders
6c. Sickles moves
6d. Longstreet attacks
6e. BG Warren & COL Vincent
6f. 20th Maine
6g. The Rest of the battle
6h. Stuart returns
6i. Slighted at Gettysburg
7. Day 3 Frustration and Fuses*
7a. Longstreet argues
7b. The Bombardment
7c. Reluctant attack
7d. The Union answers
7e. Left flank fails
7f. all in 20 minutes
7g. Exploit?
7h. Cavalry
7i. 1 + 3000
7j. MD vs MD
8. Day 4 & beyond
8a. Retreat
8b. To go or not to go?
8c. An Earlier Surrender ?
8d. Vicksburg
8e. Fairfield Day 5
9. Use of Railroads
Battle at Pipe Creek
On to Pipe Creek
Pipe Creek (part 2)
Reynolds to Emmittsburg
The Move to Pipe Creek
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1. Why Gettysburg?*
1a. In context
1b. Lee moves north
1c. Hooker Responds
1d. The Rehearsals
1e. Plan B at Pipe Creek
2. The Four Ts
3. In Command
3a. Organization
3b. Command Philosophy
3c. Napoleonic Formations
3d. Meade in Command
3e. Lee’s Vision
4. Day 0 30-JUN-1863
4a. Lee’s Plan
4b. Buford intervenes
4c. Before Buford
5. Day 1 Tactics and Technology*
5a. Buford attacks
5b. Lee visits
5c. Reynolds arrives
5d. Nearly lost
5e. Rodes & Early
5f. Lee Returns
5g. Culp’s Hill
5h. The Union line
5i. Regimental Tactics
5j. Iron Brigade
5k. Willoughby Run
5L Battle in Gettysburg
6. Day 2 Classics and Confusion*
6a. Finding the Union Left Flank
6b.1 Lee’s orders
6c. Sickles moves
6d. Longstreet attacks
6e. BG Warren & COL Vincent
6f. 20th Maine
6g. The Rest of the battle
6h. Stuart returns
6i. Slighted at Gettysburg
7. Day 3 Frustration and Fuses*
7a. Longstreet argues
7b. The Bombardment
7c. Reluctant attack
7d. The Union answers
7e. Left flank fails
7f. all in 20 minutes
7g. Exploit?
7h. Cavalry
7i. 1 + 3000
7j. MD vs MD
8. Day 4 & beyond
8a. Retreat
8b. To go or not to go?
8c. An Earlier Surrender ?
8d. Vicksburg
8e. Fairfield Day 5
9. Use of Railroads
10. World view
10a. Meade/Lee in Command
10b. Slavery
10c. Taxes
10d. Lincoln’s world
10e. The Constitution
11. Historiography
20. Intro ALT Hx*
21. Lee’s approach*
22. Farther North
22a. Lee’s Objectives
22b. Ewell at Harrisburg
22c. Early at York
22d. Ewell to GTY
22e. Overly Ambitious
23. The Confederate Cavalry*
23a. Stuart obeys
23b. Stuart better utilized
23c. Stuart attacks
23d. Cav vs Cav
23e. Stuart South
24. On to Westminster*
25. ALT Hx of 3 Days*
26. Doomed to Defeat?*
27. Pipe Creek consolidation*
28. A CSA Victory*
29. A Strategic Victory ?*
30a. Unique
30b. When Lee lost
30c. Blunders
30d. Weapons
30e. Uniforms & Standards
30f. Heroes and Goats
30g. Prelude to defeat
30h. The Saddle
30i. A Pickett Relook
30j. Ziegler’s Grove
30k. A Bird’s Eye View
30l. Vicksburg vs PHILA
30m. Medical issues
30n. 2 Confederacies
30o. 3 Americas
30p. Summation
31. Gallery*
32. Books and movies
33. other on-line sites
34 Fictionalized accounts
35. even a Thai
41. Failures
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